Focusing on our Special Needs Kids

  • 19
  • Apr
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The population of children requiring special needs is growning so this post is focusing on our special needs kids. Results are proving that many people in an instructing role especially teachers and nursery managers are working with more children needing special attention in a variety of ways. It is imperetive that teachers, assistants and centre managers should be highly trained in this field now. A few years ago the average teacher had very little knowledge of how to deal and teach these teachers, but that has now thank fully changed. At Hope Island we take the training and qualifications of our teachers extremely serious so we can offer the very best care in all instances.

Here I have devised some important points to remember when working with special needs kids.

  • First and foremost interaction is very important! You cannot expect these children to answer normal questions, so the best option is to say who you are and explain your connection. It’s nice to maybe touch their hand for a softer approach. Make eye contact and explain what is going to happen from start to finish, for example a class activity.
  • Safety first is a must. If you are arranging an activity make sure the environment like Hope Island is secure and safe especially if it is physical. I like the idea of working in small groups or pairs that way the children with special needs feel part of the group in a positive way. Teachers and managers can supervise and join in then this way if a child feels tired they can rest in comfort in a secure environment. I shouldn’t have to write encouragement, but it is very important for these children to feel included.
  • Keep a keener eye when supervising these children as occasionally they may feel discomfort or embarrassed for some reason. Monitor any differences you see in either their communication or a change in behaviour. Always discuss with the centre manager and of course their parents.
  • There maybe only one child in a class but you have to be flexible. Our teachers are highly trained in using a variety of teaching methods enabling all the children to develop new skills and work on their weaknesses and strong points. If a child is good a drawing and enjoys it then make sure they are commended, but if they are not so good at reading try to make it more fun maybe in a game with others. Set them a task to complete and I promise they will be so proud.
  • You have to be consistent with these children so always set a program for the day. If they need extra support set a teacher to work with them and keep a track of their weak and strong points so you know how to plan the day and assign the right teacher with the right children.
  • The most important thing is to always keep a positive attitude as this is a quality special needs children must have especially while learning.

What points can you share about working with special needs kids. Comments welcome!

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